Welcome to the Jason Turnage Skatepark
Skatepark Hours:
- Daylight to 9:00 p.m. October 1st through April 30th.
- Daylight to 11:00 p.m. May 1st through September 30th.
- Warning: This is an unsupervised facility, use at your own risk.
- The City of Oakdale does not assume any responsibility for damage or injuries resulting from the use of this facility.
- Users are required to wear helmets, knee pads and elbow pads at all time. Failure to wear a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads will subject person to citation and prohibition of use of the facility per Municipal Code Chapter 19 Article IV Coasting Devices.
- Skateboards, in-line and roller skates, scooters and bicycles only. All other wheeled devices are not allowed without prior written permission by the City.
- No motorized devices.
- Skaters under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent or guardian.
- Unsafe or reckless behavior is not allowed.
- Noise is to be kept to a minimum. Amplified sound, organized events or sales of any kind are not allowed without prior written permission by the City.
- Skate park is to be used on a first come, first serve basis.
- Glass is not allowed. Drinking or eating on the skate surface is not allowed.
- Additional obstacles or other materials (ramps/jumps) are not allowed.
- Animals or pets are not allowed.
- No smoking.
- No firearms, knives or other weapons.
- No drugs, alcohol, or being under the influence.
- No skateboarding outside the designated area.
- Graffiti/vandalism will result in park closure. Trespassing and violating rules and regulations is unlawful.
- Skate park is closed for unfavorable conditions, such as wet or dirty surface, rain, thunder, frost or snow. Surface is slippery when wet. Debris on surface is dangerous.
- Report any hazardous/unsafe conditions to Public Services Department at (209) 845-3600.
Penalties include citation, prosecution, confiscation, fines and loss of use privileges.